Do you have a preschooler in your home? Preschool years are a very special time in the child’s development. Children at this age continue to learn though play and discover the beauties of life in the nature as well as through people and books. One of the important things is not to underestimate the power of play in learning. Sometimes it may seem that your child’s entire day is “wasted” playing instead of gaining a true academic education, but the opposite is true as little children learn mainly through play.
In addition to becoming generally more independent, for example in cleaning up their toys or completing bathroom routine, your child will be very significantly developing motor and social skills and committing more and more information into their memory. Some children are ready to start with workbooks at this age, but some are not. Please do not make your child fill out worksheets if they are not ready to do so. They will have plenty of time in the years to come. Teach them through games, manipulatives, drawing with chalks, or just plainly through spending time in nature counting rocks and playing with friends.
However, if your child enjoys coloring and drawing, following are a few titles you will find helpful in teaching shapes, patterns, coloring within lines, tracing, cutting, etc. If you choose to purchase any of these workbooks, please let us know how you enjoyed them. We would love to hear from you!