International Lego Day for Kids

International LEGO Day for Kids

Imagine a day filled with colorful bricks, endless adventures, and building dreams – that’s what International LEGO Day is all about! Every year on January 28th, kids and grown-ups from all over the world join in the excitement to celebrate the awesomeness of LEGO.

Why January 28th? Well, it’s the birthday of the modern LEGO brick – those colorful, clicky bricks that let us build anything and everything!

On International LEGO Day, everyone, from little builders to grown-up LEGO fans, comes together to celebrate the amazing creativity and imagination. It’s like a giant LEGO party around the world!

So, what happens on this fantastic day? Imagine people building the coolest things you can think of – towering castles, speedy race cars, friendly robots, and maybe even a ship or two! Builders of all ages get super creative with their LEGO bricks and share their awesome creations on social media using #InternationalLEGODay.

Some schools even turn their classrooms into LEGO wonderlands on this day. Teachers and students work together to build towers, bridges, and many other creations. LEGO isn’t just for play; it’s also super smart. Did you know you can learn math, science, and even tell stories with LEGO? Who knew learning could be so much fun?

If you have LEGO sets at home, International LEGO Day is the perfect time to dig them out. Maybe you will find an old pirate ship or an amazing police station. You can also try building something new, like a jungle full of LEGO animals or a city in the clouds – your imagination is the boss!

International Lego Day

How to Observe International Lego Day

  1. Epic Building Challenge: Gather your LEGO bricks and set up a building challenge. Whether it’s creating the tallest tower, designing a futuristic city, or building your favorite movie scene, let your imagination run wild. You can even turn it into a friendly competition with friends or family!
  2. LEGO Movie Marathon: Celebrate International LEGO Day by watching your favorite LEGO movies or discovering new ones. Create a cozy movie-watching space with blankets and pillows, and enjoy the adventures of Emmet, Batman, and all your other favorite LEGO characters.
  3. LEGO Party: Host a LEGO-themed party with your friends. Decorate with LEGO-inspired decorations, have LEGO-shaped snacks, and, of course, plenty of building stations. Encourage everyone to bring their favorite sets or have a communal build where everyone contributes to a massive creation.
  4. LEGO Museum Showcase: Create a mini LEGO museum showcasing your favorite builds. Set up a display with labels and descriptions for each creation. It’s a fantastic way to share your love for LEGO with friends and family and showcase your building skills.
  5. Virtual LEGO Challenge: If you can’t be with friends in person, organize a virtual LEGO challenge. Use video calls to connect with friends and family, set a theme or challenge, and build together online. Share your creations and marvel at the diverse and imaginative builds.
  6. LEGO Scavenger Hunt: Hide LEGO sets or individual bricks around your house or backyard and organize a LEGO scavenger hunt. Give each participant a list of items to find, and watch the excitement as they discover hidden treasures.
  7. Visit a LEGO Exhibition or Store: Check if a LEGO exhibition or event is happening nearby or plan a visit to the nearest LEGO store. Many stores have special activities and displays on International LEGO Day, making it an exciting outing for LEGO fans.

how to observe international lego day

So, whether you are a LEGO expert or just starting your building journey, International LEGO Day is a day for joy, laughter, and, most importantly, building fantastic things with those awesome bricks. Happy International LEGO Day – let the building adventures begin!

P.S. Will you send us pictures of your LEGO creations at If you do, we will add them to the LEGO library on our website.

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