homeschooling start up guide

How to Start Homeschooling: A Step-by-Step Guide

Homeschooling can be a wonderful way to provide a very personalized education for your child. With more control over the curriculum, schedule, and learning environment, homeschooling offers a unique opportunity for children to learn at their own pace and based on their learning style. But the thought of beginning homeschooling can be rather overwhelming. Following is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Research Whether Homeschooling Is the Right Fit for You

Because homeschooling requires the ultimate parent’s dedication, time, and resources, it is always important to make a fully-informed decision before embarking on this path. In What Do I Need to Know Before Homeschooling? we take you through the joys and hardships of homeschooling, the necessity of starting with the end in mind, the expenses it involves, etc.

2. Research Your State’s Homeschooling Laws

The next step in starting homeschooling is to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your state. Homeschooling laws vary from state to state, so it is important to know the requirements and restrictions. HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association)  has done an excellent job in compiling homeschooling state laws including testing, mandatory subjects, and much more. You may visit HSLDA Homeschool Laws by State and follow the prompts to find the information pertaining to your state.
starting homeschooling step by step guide

3. Determine Your Educational Goals and Philosophy

The homeschooling world presents you with a vast variety of resources, materials, and options. There is classical education, unschooling, Montessori method, and many others. In order to be able to make the right choice for your family, you will have to determine what you hope to achieve through homeschooling and how you want to educate your children. This will then help you pick the right curriculum and resources and direct you to the homeschooling community that will be a perfect fit for you.

4. Evaluate Your Schedule and Resources

Considering your family’s schedule, budget, and resources when planning your homeschooling is also very important. Ask yourself questions like: How many hours a day shall we devote to homeschooling? What materials and resources will we need? How will we handle extracurricular activities and other responsibilities? How much money can we set aside to accomplish our goals? Once you find answers to these questions, you will be able to dive into the details of your educational plan.

5. Create a Homeschooling Plan

Homeschooling plan is a foundation for your school year. This plan should include the subjects you want to cover, a schedule, and any necessary resources.

6. Choose Your Curriculum

Pick a curriculum that meets your educational goals and philosophy, and select all other resources that best support your homeschooling program. You can purchase a comprehensive homeschooling curriculum or create your own using a variety of resources, such as books, online materials, and educational games. [You can find more information on this subject in How to Choose the Best Homeschool Curriculum and How to Create a Homeschool Curriculum.]

7. Create a Schedule and Routine

Establish a schedule and routine for your homeschooling days. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you make the most of your homeschooling time.
how to start homeschooling guide

8. Set up a Learning Space

Designate a space in your home for basic learning. Even though home education takes place in a variety of environments, having a specific place for subjects like handwriting, math, etc. is very helpful. Make sure this space is well-lit, organized, and equipped with the supplies and resources you need. Whether you choose to set up a school room in your house or learn at your dining room table, your children should know where this place is and what is expected of them. Remember though that not all subjects must necessarily be taught at the desk and from textbooks.

9. Stay Organized

Keeping track of your homeschooling progress and materials is important for both you and your child. Consider using a planner, notebook, or homeschooling software to stay organized.

10. Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities

Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, or local clubs.

11. Get Involved with Your Homeschooling Community

Connecting with other homeschooling families can provide support, resources, and opportunities for socialization. Consider joining a homeschooling group or co-op for additional benefits.

12. Evaluate Your Progress

Regularly evaluate your homeschooling progress to ensure that your child is on track and that you are meeting your educational goals.

In conclusion

Starting homeschooling can be an overwhelming decision, but with the right preparation and resources, it can become a rewarding experience for you and your children. By following these few steps, you can ensure that your homeschooling journey is successful and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Are you considering homeschooling? Please share your journey with us in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!

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