If you have a toddler or a preschooler in your family, you already know how important reading is for their development. It not only helps them learn about the world, but also introduces them to sounds, words, and language. In addition to these, reading to them promotes brain development, stirs their imagination, and these are just a few of the benefits. [In our article Why Read? we discuss many other benefits to reading.]
Now the question is: Are you finding enough quality books to read to your children?
Recently, I have encountered several articles and podcasts discussing the quality of children’s books available on the market. A number of successful children’s book authors were forced to set up their own publishing companies after being turned down by established publishing houses. The reason? Their books were too “old-fashioned” for the current market. Things that were considered wholesome only a couple of decades ago have quickly become “old-fashioned” in our modern society.
I remember the time when my son was still very little; it took us quite a while each week to choose books at the library for us to read. We may have been called “picky,” but we never wanted to put monsters, little devils, and violence in front of our little boy’s eyes. There was no need to keep him up at night (and us with him) with having nightmares.
As there are still many parents who prefer to read “old-fashioned” book themes to their kids, more authors are encouraged to write wholesome children’s book. If you are one of these parents, thank you for inspiring us to write for your children. Have a peek into our latest books for toddlers and preschoolers.
Which books do you enjoy reading to your toddler or preschooler? Please leave us a note in the comment section below. Maybe we can compile a list together for other parents to benefit from.