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5 Main Benefits of Coloring for Adults

If you have browsed the internet in the recent years looking for a special gift for a loved one, you have certainly noticed the number of coloring books for adults that are available on the market. But why are they so popular these days? Before we dive into the reasons behind this phenomenon, let us explore the long history of coloring books.

benefits of coloring for adults

History of Coloring Books

Coloring books first emerged in 1880s in order to give children from all backgrounds an opportunity to benefit from art education. As crayons were not yet available at that time, paints were used to beautify the pages of the original coloring books.

The first adult coloring book was published in 1961 and carried a significant satirical theme. Satire primarily about society and work place dominated the early years of these coloring books.

It was not until 2010 that the adult coloring books were gaining slight popularity. Then in 2015 this small book subcategory reached new heights with many of these books becoming bestsellers. So what brought that change in culture? Let us look at some of the main benefits of coloring for adults so we can understand this occurrence. (Please note there are many other known benefits to coloring, but for our purposes we will explore the five most important ones.)

history of coloring books

5 Main Benefits of Coloring for Adults

  1. Stress Relief

Our fast-paced and stress-inducing culture offers little relaxation. It becomes much easier to schedule 15 minutes of coloring into a busy schedule than a trip to a local park.

  1. Screen Detox

There is an ever-increasing need in our screen-addicted society to find activities that take us away from our computers and phones. Coloring books serve as wonderful and peaceful means to do so. 

  1. Sleep Improvement

It has been noted by medical professionals that a short time of coloring before bed relaxes the mind and body and releases the natural melatonin that aids healthy sleep.

  1. Focus Improvement

Coloring engages the front part of your brain which is primarily responsible for your memory, emotions, impulse control, problem solving, social interaction, and motor function. Coloring helps to relax this part of your brain by focusing on one slow-pace activity only.

  1. Fine Motor Skills Improvement

As the aging process tends to bring a decline in fine motor skills in elderly people, coloring serves as a means of exercise for hands and fingers to stay active and therefore they can keep their fine motor skills on a high level.

coloring for adults relaxation

Does Coloring Help Everybody?

After learning many of the benefits to coloring for adults, you may ask a question: Does coloring help everybody? And would it help me?

The simple answers to these questions are: No, it doesn’t help everybody and whether it can help you personally will depend on who you are as a person and what activities you enjoy in life.

It is no secret that each one of us must find a way to relax from our busy schedules and screen time. Some people choose sports to achieve this, others work in their workshops, and yet others visit with friends. Choose the activity that recharges your energy levels. However, you may want to try coloring and see if you belong into the ever-growing population of people whose favorite part of the day is sitting at the table and coloring amazing drawings.

Do you enjoy coloring? Let us know in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you?

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