This contest is CLOSED; THANK YOU for your interest! View the contest winners.
I have been thinking about a children’s story that a friend of mine wrote years ago. At that time we were involved in publishing a children’s magazine called Keeping in Touch for KIDS. My friend titled her story, The Coloring Contest, and based it on true events. She took her young readers through one family’s situation where four children decided to take part in a coloring contest. In the process, they made fun of their youngest four-year-old sister because of, what they thought, were her inadequate coloring skills. Without spoiling the end of the story for you, I will just say that there is a sweet twist and turn awaiting you and a very important life lesson to learn us for all.
So why am I so eager to share this story with you today?
The four-year-old from the story has grown up into a beautiful young lady and a very accomplished artist. Her love for art started very early in life and, you guessed it, she colored LOTS and LOTS of pictures while putting her special touch in them. So as you watch your children color pages of coloring books, you never know but you may well be looking at a future famous artist. And because of this story…
…we are very excited to announce our
2021 Coloring Contest!

The children must fall into one of the following age categories:
- Category 1: Ages 4-6
- Category 2: Ages 7-8
- Category 3: Ages 9-10
- Each participant who submits three colored pages from our coloring books that can be found below will receive a link to download one of our paid printable products of their choice for FREE.
- The overall winner will receive a $20 certificate for online purchases at any store of their choice.
- You can submit your creations any time during 2021 but not later than December 30, 2021.
- The overall winner will be announced on December 31, 2021.
How to enter:
- Read “The Coloring Contest” story.
- Download one (or, both) of our coloring books below.
- Choose 3 pictures to color.
- Scan the colored pictures and give them titles that include the child’s name and their age (for example, Jana-6-MyDog.jpg).
- Submit the pictures to: to WIN A PRIZE.