Welcome, young explorers, to an exciting adventure into the fascinating world of mammals! These amazing creatures are everywhere around us, from tiny mice to enormous blue whales. Today, we will find out what makes a mammal a mammal, explore where they live, learn about their bodies, and discover some amazing facts about these incredible animals. Get ready for a journey full of wonder and surprises as we learn about lions, kangaroos, dolphins, and more!
This free printable is recommended for elementary grades and includes the following:
- Mammals science lesson
- Fun facts about mammals
- Definition of a mammal
- Mammals in the Bible
- Mammals in videos
- Review questions
- Do you know these mammals?
- Dot-to-Dot page
- Coloring page
- Empty lapbook templates to be filled with the information of your choice
- Pictures of mammals to decorate your lapbook
We recommend supplementing this lesson with books and encyclopedias to bring this amazing world of mammals to life with additional images and information.