mover of men and mountains book

Mover of Men and Mountains by R.G. LeTourneau

Book Review by Christopher Davis (Age 16)

"By accepting God as your partner, no limit can be placed on what can be achieved."

In Mover of Men and Mountains the author, R.G. LeTourneau, chronicles his life as an inventor and businessman. This autobiography is about one of the most prominent machinery designers of the 20th century, and how God guided him in his work. Founding his company in 1929, it was merely a small-time operation. But with the help of God, it soared to new heights.

He was often in debt with what seemed like no hope, but each time he said that when he got right with God he got out of debt. Business took off for him when he made God the majority shareholder of the company. He started building his earth-moving equipment just because no one else would make the machines he needed for his construction company. Slowly more people wanted his machines and it became more profitable to be a manufacturer than to do both manufacturing and construction. So he moved his business cross-country from California to Illinois and started large-scale manufacturing.

R G LeTourneau

A foundation was started and the money from God’s portion of R.G. LeTourneau, Inc. was used for this foundation to further His kingdom. Missions of whole villages were started in Africa and South America with success in teaching the people how to better their lives. Also, in the U.S. a  university was started. Originally for the trades, it soon expanded to encompass many more courses. Today LeTourneau University still has many students come through the doors of its campus in Longview, Texas.

This is a very inspirational story because it shows that even in the modern world we can do work for God. Through it all, R.G. LeTourneau credited God with the success of his business. He would take time out of his job to go and do God’s work. He was one of God’s businessmen.

Published by: Moody Publishers
Reading Age: Grade 9 - Adult

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