Spaced Repetition System

How to Help Your Children Remember What They Learn

Unleashing the Power of Spaced Repetition

Are you looking for a game-changing approach to help your children learn more effectively? Look no further than the Spaced Repetition System!

It may sound like a fancy term, but fear not! In this article, we will break it down into simple words and show you how to harness its incredible benefits for your little ones. Get ready to transform learning into an engaging and efficient adventure!

What Is Spaced Repetition System?

Picture this: You learn something new today, but will you remember it tomorrow? That is where spaced repetition comes in to save the day! In simple terms, the Spaced Repetition System is a method that helps your children remember and recall information by spacing out their review sessions. It uses our brain’s natural tendency to forget and then remember things more effectively through targeted repetition.

The Memory Garden Approach

Imagine your child’s memory as a beautiful garden, with knowledge as the flowers. Just like flowers need water and sunlight to grow, memories need nurturing. Spaced repetition acts as the diligent gardener, watering and exposing the flowers to sunlight at just the right intervals. This way, the blossoms of knowledge flourish, ready to be admired by all!

Cards, Cards, and More Cards

One of the keys to the spaced repetition kingdom is the use of flashcards. These simple tools become your child’s best friends when it comes to learning and reviewing information. Start by creating a deck of flashcards with questions or concepts on one side and their corresponding answers on the other. Each time your child reviews the cards, the system adapts the timing based on their level of recall. It is like having a personalized tutor right at your fingertips! Even the movie actor Tom Hanks uses the card method to learn his lines for each movie he plays in.

In our article The Best Way to Teach Your Child Spelling, we dive into specific details of the spaced repetition for this particular subject. Feel free to download our card template and use it for any other subject.

how to help your children remember

Supercharging the Learning Experience

Now that you understand the core concept of Spaced Repetition System, let’s spice it up with some unconventional ideas! Here are a few unique ways to make the learning process more engaging and memorable:

  1. Incorporate Multisensory Learning: Did you know that engaging multiple senses can significantly improve memory retention? Incorporate into your teaching routine different sensory experiences. For example, if your child is learning about the solar system, consider using models, videos, or even a homemade planetarium to bring the concepts to life. The more senses involved, the better they will remember the information.
  2. Create Mnemonic Masterpieces: Encourage your child to devise catchy acronyms, silly rhymes, or vivid mental images that help them associate information with something memorable. For example, “ROY G. BIV” for remembering the colors of the rainbow.
  3. Embrace the Power of Storytelling: Humans are wired to remember stories. Encourage your child to transform dry facts into captivating narratives. Let their imagination run wild as they create characters, settings, and plots. The more engaging the story, the more memorable the information!
  4. Transform Learning into a Quest: Turn your child’s learning journey into an epic adventure! Create a quest board or map where they can mark their progress as they conquer new topics. Each successful review session brings them closer to their goal. You can even add fun stickers or rewards along the way to keep them excited!
  5. Peer-to-Peer Review Sessions: Learning doesn’t always have to be a solitary activity! Organize review sessions where children can teach or review concepts with their peers. This collaborative approach fosters active learning, strengthens understanding, and boosts retention. Plus, it is a fantastic opportunity for social interaction and building friendships.
  6. A Dash of Motivation and Rewards: Remember, learning is a journey, and motivation is the fuel that keeps us moving forward. Celebrate your child’s accomplishments along the way. Set up small rewards or incentives for reaching certain milestones or acing tricky subjects. It could be a special outing, a sweet treat, or even a well-deserved break. By making learning enjoyable, you’re fostering a positive association that will keep their enthusiasm alive!

what is spaced repetition system

Personal Experience

As a homeschooling mom myself, I have witnessed the power of the Spaced Repetition System in our educational journey. We have used it for Bible memorization, spelling, geography, math, and poetry. My son has also managed to pass Analyzing & Interpreting Literature college exam while still in high school using this method. Overall, it made our homeschooling journey much more enjoyable and efficient.


Spaced Repetition System is a game-changer when it comes to memory retention. With the memory garden analogy, the flashcard magic, and the unconventional ideas we have explored, you will be able to unlock the full potential of your children’s learning abilities. Let the power of spaced repetition take your homeschooling experience to new heights. Happy learning!

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