Cookies in a Jar Featured

Handmade Gifts: Cookies in a Jar with Printable Labels

Several months ago we had a couple dear friends visiting. Upon entering our house, they presented us with a huge bag full of gifts, mainly homemade. There were jars of dried herbs, slim hand-crafted cedar bookmarks, a treasure box, and many others. We were delighted. But it was the follow up conversation that impressed me the most. They proceeded to tell us why they primarily give hand-made gifts to their family and friends. In their own words:

“When our daughter turned one, we decided to host a Christmas celebration in our home for both sets of grandparents. Our daughter was the first grandchild for them all. When the time came to share gifts, the packages were everywhere! It seemed everyone was trying to outgive everyone. We looked at our large L shaped couch full of colorful boxes from one end of the L to the other and our precious little daughter in the midst of it all. Only one glance was needed. We knew right then and there: This will NEVER happen AGAIN. We loved our daughter too much to see her getting spoiled by magnitude of merchandise. Since then, the only gifts allowed in our family are hand-made ones created with a thought and love.”

Cookies in a Jar (1)

I was inspired!

When the time came for us to return our visit, I began frantically searching online for perfect hand-made gifts that I could create. After hours of research, I settled on several soup and cookie jars plus a few crochet dish cloths. The gifts looked beautiful, very close to the pictures online.

That gave me an idea!

I wondered if a little child could make these with the same visual effect. It didn’t take long and I asked my little friend, Ellie (9), to come over and make some of these COOKIES IN A JAR. She did an excellent job and I am sure your children can too! She even baked one of our “jars” so that we could taste what was inside. It was delicious! The jars than made a perfect gift for her older sister who just turned 19.

If you and/or your child are wondering what gifts to present to your family or friends at the next occassion, we humbly suggest the following:

Oatmeal Chip Cookie Mix in a Jar by Nestle Toll House


Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix in a Jar by Imperial Sugar

Both of these recipes look fabulous and taste amazing! We only recommend you follow the instructions to the T. Trust us, we made our share of stacking mistakes and didn‘t like what we saw.

Cookies in a Jar (2a)

If you would like to spice up your jars with our printable labels, they are available for a FREE download.

Please let us know if you tried these recipes and how you enjoyed the project. We would love to hear from you!

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