Nobody Don't Love Nobody by Stacey Bess

Book Review: “Nobody Don’t Love Nobody” by Stacey Bess

Lessons on Love from the School With No Name

“Nobody Don’t Love Nobody” is a heartwarming and inspiring memoir written by Stacey Bess. The book takes readers on a deeply touching journey as Stacey shares her experiences as a teacher at an unconventional school in a homeless shelter. With empathy and compassion, she sheds light on the lives of forgotten children and their natural desire for love and understanding.

The story begins when Stacey Bess, a young and enthusiastic teacher, accepts a job teaching at “The School with No Name,” a makeshift educational facility within a homeless shelter in Salt Lake City. Initially unsure of her capabilities, she soon realizes that her students, many of whom are grappling with poverty and instability, possess a vast potential and a desire to learn despite their circumstances.

Beyond the Blackboard Book (1)

Throughout the book, Stacey introduces readers to a cast of remarkable children, each with their own struggles and triumphs. She beautifully captures their resilience and determination, making it impossible not to root for them every step of the way. The connections she builds with her students go beyond traditional teacher-student relationships, ultimately creating a sense of family and belonging for these kids who have been through so much.

One of the most touching moments in the book is when Stacey recounts an incident involving the children’s writing in their journals. The topic of this particular writing was “What Makes You Happy?” One little girl wrote:

“My teacher is funny. She really likes her baby.
You can just tell by the way she kisses her all over
and leaves lipstick marks on her head.
Watching her makes me happy.
I wish somebody would have loved me like that when I was little.”

“In one short line, this lonely little girl summarized the aching, longing wish of every one of these homeless children, and every member of the human family: to be loved all over, to be loved completely, to be loved unconditionally.”

Stacey’s dedication to her students and determination to provide them with the best education is very inspiring and moving. “Nobody Don’t Love Nobody” serves as a powerful reminder that every child deserves love, care, and a chance to thrive, regardless of their circumstances.

Overall, “Nobody Don’t Love Nobody” is a very uplifting read that will leave you with a renewed sense of hope and compassion. Stacey Bess’s storytelling ability, combined with the genuine love she shows for her students, makes this book a must-read for anyone seeking a stirring reminder of the transformative power of education and love.

Additional Note:

In 2011 the book “Nobody Don’t Love Nobody” was adapted into a movie called “Beyond the Blackboard” starring Emily VanCamp as Stacey Bess. It is wonderful to see this story reach a broader audience and continue to inspire people with its powerful message.

Have you read “Nobody Don’t Love Nobody”? If yes, what did you like most about this book? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Beyond the Blackboard Book (2)

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2 thoughts on “Book Review: “Nobody Don’t Love Nobody” by Stacey Bess”

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