Reptiles are a fascinating group of animals that have some special features that make them unique. In this lesson, we will take a closer look at what makes a reptile, where they live, what they eat, and what their defense mechanisms are, and we will even meet some famous reptile friends along the way.
This free printable is recommended for elementary grades and includes the following:
Reptiles science lesson
Fun facts about reptiles
Reptiles in the Bible
Reptiles in videos
Do you know these reptiles?
Dot-to-Dot page
Coloring pages
Empty lapbook templates to be filled with the information of your choice
Pictures of reptiles to decorate your lapbook
We recommend supplementing this lesson with books and encyclopedias to bring this amazing world of reptiles to life with additional images and information.
Have fun learning about reptiles and let us know if there is any other material you would like to see added to this lesson.