Our 2021 Coloring Contest has come to an end and we are here to share with you our amazing winners. Thank you all for participating. We were very impressed with your coloring skills and can’t thank you enough for making our lives more colorful!
For those of you who didn’t get a chance to participate in the contest but would like to know more about it, following are a few particulars:
All participants read “The Coloring Contest” story and downloaded one of our coloring books created for this purpose: Animal Coloring Book or My Family & I Coloring Book. They used coloring pencils, crayons or paints to create their unique entries. Each participant who submitted three colored pages was given an option to download one of our paid printable products of their choice for FREE.
The overall winner in each category received a $20 certificate for online purchases at any store of their choice.
Category 1: Ages 4-6

Category 2: Ages 7-8

Category 3: Ages 9-10
We have not received any entries in this category but are looking forward to seeing some beautiful pictures in our next contest.