favorite christian biographies

10 Favorite Christian Biographies

Do you love to read? Throughout our homeschooling years, I used to joke, “I read in June!” It might sound a bit funny, but what I meant was that the school year, along with all my other responsibilities, left me with no time to read. But when June rolled around and school was out, we would dive into the library’s summer reading programs, and I would finally carve out time to enjoy some good books.

This year, I couldn’t wait until June to start reading. I was so inspired by one of our newly published books – Reading Journal for Book Lovers – that I wanted to begin right away. With this motivation, I began gathering my favorite biographies (and adding some new ones to my collection!) to kick off the summer reading season. I hope the titles I share will spark your own reading adventures.

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10 Favorite Christian Biographies

1. Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy by Maria Chapian

This biography is a deeply moving and inspiring story set in war-torn Yugoslavia. It dives into themes of Christian faith, resilience, and the incredible strength of the human spirit directed by God. Chapian’s storytelling makes you feel like you are right there with the characters, experiencing their love, loss, and unwavering devotion firsthand. This book is a powerful reminder of the extraordinary courage that ordinary people can show when faced with unimaginable adversity. It is a must-read for you if you are seeking a story that resonates with both heart and soul.

2. Kisses from Kati: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption by Kati Davis Major

In her book, Katie Davis shares the incredible journey of answering Jesus’s call to serve the underprivileged community in Uganda. From a short-term mission trip as a teenager to adopting 13 Ugandan girls, Katie’s story is one of unwavering faith and compassion. She founded Amazima Ministry, which now provides education and care to hundreds of children. Her heartfelt narrative is both inspiring and uplifting, showing the profound impact of selfless love and dedication.

3. Rebel with a Cause: Finally Comfortable Being Graham by Franklin Graham

In his autobiography, Franklin Graham takes the reader through his childhood and youth spent in rebellion against God. After he committed his life to Jesus Christ in his early twenties, his dedication to serving God brought him to many countries in the world and many people, who needed the same salvation Franklin received. The book offers an inspiring account of his transformation and the powerful impact of faith on his life’s journey.

4. Evidence Not Seen: A Woman’s Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II by Darlene Deibler Rose

“Evidence Not Seen” by Darlene Deibler Rose is a profoundly moving memoir that takes readers on an unforgettable journey through the trials of war and the strength of unshakable faith. Rose’s gripping account of her experiences as a missionary in the Pacific during World War II, including her harrowing imprisonment by the Japanese, is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. Her deep trust in God, despite facing adversity, shines through every page. This book is not just a historical recount; it is a testament to the power of God that works by faith in a human being. It is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration in his/her walk with God and a deeper understanding of perseverance.

5. Come Walk with Me by Melvin L Cheatham, M.D.

“Come Walk with Me” is a story of a seasoned neurosurgeon who travels to a remote Kenyan village on a medical mission. As he meets people from a different culture yet made into the same image of God, he finds himself deeply moved by their shared faith. This experience profoundly changes his perspective, enriching his dedication to serving God and others through his medical work.

6. Rees Howells Intercessor: The Story of a Life Lived for God by Norman Grubb

This book is a deeply moving account of a man who dedicated his life to prayer and faith. Grubb masterfully captures Howells’ life journey, sharing his incredible spiritual experiences and his deep commitment to God’s work. This biography is not only full of amazing stories of answered prayers and miracles, but also challenges readers to reflect on their own spiritual journey. With its engaging and heartfelt storytelling, this book is a treasure for anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with God and understand the power of intercession.

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7. The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson

“The Cross and the Switchblade” by David Wilkerson is a compelling and inspiring true story about a small-town preacher’s courageous mission to bring hope and faith to the dangerous streets of New York City. Wilkerson’s encounter with gang members and his unwavering belief in the power of God’s love lead to miraculous transformations in the lives of some of the most hardened young men. The book is a testament to the impact of compassion, perseverance, and faith, offering readers a powerful message about the potential for change and God’s redemption even in the most challenging circumstances.

8. Born Again by Charles Colson

This inspirational memoir chronicles the life transformation of one of America’s most infamous political figures. Colson, once known as President Nixon’s “hatchet man,” shares his journey from the corridors of power to the confines of prison, and ultimately to a profound personal redemption in Jesus Christ. The book is not just a tale of spiritual awakening but a testament to the power of grace and forgiveness. Colson’s honest and candid storytelling makes his journey relatable, offering hope and encouragement to anyone seeking a second chance in life.

9. Mover of Men and Mountains by R.G. LeTourneau

In “Mover of Men and Mountains,” R.G. LeTourneau shares the inspiring story of his life as an inventor and businessman. This autobiography highlights how one of the most influential machinery designers of the 20th century was guided by his faith in God throughout his career. Starting his company in 1929 as a small operation, LeTourneau’s business soared to incredible heights with divine guidance. LeTourneau’s life demonstrates that even in our modern world, we can dedicate our work to a higher purpose. Throughout his journey, he consistently credited God for his business success and made it a priority to engage in God’s work. (Read a more detailed review of Mover of Men and Mountains here.)

10. Exodus to a Hidden Valley by Eugene Morse

“Exodus to a Hidden Valley” is a powerful memoir that centers around the unwavering faith and God’s providence in the lives of American missionaries and thousands of Burmese Christians during World War II. It takes readers on an extraordinary journey through the dense jungles of Burma, where they sought refuge and found a new home amidst chaos and danger. (Read a more detailed review of Exodus to a Hidden Valley here.)

In Conclusion

I trust that these biographies will inspire you on your own reading journey. The stories in these books serve as powerful reminders of how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things through their unwavering faith and commitment to their Savior. May you be encouraged as you dive into their amazing lives.

If you have other favorite Christian biographies that others might enjoy, please do not hesitate to leave us a note in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!

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